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Best Quality & Value for Money Compostable & Biodegradable Liners.

With over 11 million liners sold, we’d like to say well done to all of you who are using compostable and biodegradable liners whether you’re taking part in a council food waste scheme or home composting.   Our customers constantly tell us that our biodegradable and compostable liners are the strongest and best quality liners they have used. Quite simply, we offer the best value and best quality for money; no one can produce liners for less and maintain the same high level of quality.   Council Food Waste Schemes Over the past six years we’ve taken part in and supplied liners and caddies for over 70 council food waste schemes up and down the country. In most food waste schemes we have found that our 7 and 10 litre liners are used for indoor food waste bins and caddies, and our 20 or 25 litre liners and caddies are used for collection by refuse crews. If your council are running a food waste scheme, be sure to visit our website to get your compostable liners and food waste caddies. We have found that our 7 litre compostable and biodegradable liner is by far the most popular, however we also sell larger liners including; 50 litre garden waste sacks and 140 and 240 litre compostable wheelie bin liners.   Composting Even if your council aren’t running a food waste scheme you can use our biodegradable and compostable liners in your home compost bin. You can use household waste such as cardboard and newspaper as well as food waste in your compost bin to create a base fertiliser. Not only will this save you money but it will also reduce the amount of food and household waste you are putting in your bin. It’s important to remember that if you’re putting your food waste in your compost bin you must not put cooked food in your compost bin.   Got dogs? If you’ve got dogs, why not do your part for the environment when you take your furry friends for a walk with our compostable and biodegradable dog waste bags. Like our liners, our dog waste bags are made from corn starch and meaning they are 100% biodegradable and compostable. Visit our website for the best value for money 100% compostable and biodegradable food waste bin liners and dog waste bags.