Encourage Feathered Friends Into Your Garden with Bird Feeders & Houses.
Is there a better way to start the morning than sitting looking out into your garden to see it alive with bird activity? As well as making your garden a nice place to be, encouraging birds into your garden has conservational benefits, as it provides them with somewhere safe to live and feed when their natural habitat may have reduced in size or been removed altogether. Our selection of bird boxes, bird houses, bird feeders and helpful tips will help you encourage birds into your garden to feed and nest. Bird boxes and bird houses Here at Gardening Delights the term ‘bird house’ is used quite literally with our selection of townhouse and cottage style bird houses. If you’d rather the birds that live in your garden have a slightly more natural looking home, look no further than our Tree Nest Box and Feeder which have been designed to look like tree trunks. Deciding where to site your bird boxes and bird houses can be tricky, so we’ve put together a few tips to help you encourage birds to stay in your garden;
- Keep your feathered visitors safe from predators by securely attaching their home at least 1.5M off the ground to something sturdy like a tree or a fence.
- Don’t place the bird box or house in direct sunlight and ensure that birds have a clear flight path to their little home.
- Make sure you clean out the boxes and houses at the end of each season. Our townhouse and cottage style bird houses have cleaning door at the rear to make this easier for you.
Bird Feeders Another way to attract birds into your garden is by providing them with food; here at Gardening Delights we have a wide range of hanging bird feeders to help you do that. If you want an ornate bird feeder take a look at our Silver Hanging Bird Feeder or our Filigree Bird Feeder Tray. If you fancy something a bit unusual or novel, we have a selection or ceramic and resin bird feeders in the style of apples, pears, eaten oranges and eaten apples. Like bird houses, we've put together some tips and hints about bird feeders which will help encourage birds to feed in your garden;
- Most importantly, keep bird feeders off the ground and try to keep the feeders close to shelter. Keep in mind that you’ll need to get at this easily and regularly to refill feeders.
- Cats are a birds worst enemy so if possible don’t place feeders anywhere near somewhere a cat could hide.
- Clean feeders our regularly to keep birds safe from any harmful microbes or parasites.
Visit our website to see our full selection of bird feeders, bird boxes and bird houses.