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Grow Your Own

During the recession many people have had got used to cutting back on things they enjoy, however growing your own produce can be a very enjoyable and rewarding experience without breaking the bank.

The project minded and creative amongst you may like to consider raised bed kits, which can be developed into a variety of shapes and heights. After deciding how you want your raised bed to look and assembling it, it can be filled with soil and compost. Then the really fun part begins, you can begin planting and nurturing your produce. If assembling a raised bed kit sounds too much or too big for your garden, planting bags are an excellent solution. These can be set down on a patio or put directly onto soil, filled up and you can begin planting straight away. After nurturing your produce, you can reap the rewards. There’s no better feeling that serving up produce you’ve grown yourself. As well as tasting delicious, it’ll save you a trip to the shops. To take your first steps towards growing and eating your own produce, visit the Gardening Delights website to see our range of grow your own products.