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How to look after wildlife in autumn and winter

The nights are already beginning to draw in and it won’t be long before we shudder at the thought of going outside in the cold and want to sit in front of the fire with a nice hot meal, but it’s not that easy for wildlife.

There are a few things we can do in our gardens to look after wildlife and provide them with the things they need to get through winter.   

Wild birds Some species of birds fly off to sunnier climates in the winter (and who can blame them?) but some stay in the UK and some species even migrate over here for winter and need a little help from us. The most useful thing you can do for wild birds is to provide them with food and water which may be scarce, particularly during the coldest months. 

Like us, birds need a balanced diet so provide them with fat balls, grains and seeds. Keep bird baths topped up and when the temperatures plummet place cork, a twig or anything else that floats in the bird bath to stop it freezing over. You can also buy heated bird baths. 

If you have nesting boxes in your garden you can begin cleaning them out from the end of August when they are no longer in use. Clean your nesting box out with boiling water to kill off any parasites and let the box dry completely before you put the lid on or close the door. Make sure you wear gloves when cleaning out bird boxes due to fleas and parasites that may be in there.   

Hedgehogs Hedgehogs will naturally nest in piles of leaves and logs so please do check piles of leaves and logs for before moving them. You can also buy purpose build hedgehog houses. If you want to leave food out for hedgehogs you can feed them minced meat, tinned dog or cat food, cat biscuits or you can buy hedgehog food. Contrary to popular belief milk is bad for hedgehogs, leave them fresh water instead. 

We offer a hedgehog care pack which contains a hedgehog house, hedgehog food and a care guide. Bonfire night can be dangerous for hedgehogs as an unlit bonfire is exactly the kind of habitat a hedgehog enjoys. Check your bonfire before lighting it and if possible, build it as close to lighting it as possible to reduce the risk of hedgehogs wandering in.   

Other things you can do in your garden

  • If you have a pond placing a tennis ball in it can help stop it from freezing over. You can also buy pond heaters.
  • If your pond does freezer over, place a hot saucepan of water on top of the ice until it melts. 
  • Do not pour the hot water onto the ice or into the pond.
  • Before turning your compost heap, check it for toads and frogs.
  • Don’t cut back all of your garden, leave wildlife somewhere to nest and eat.

If you find an injured animal, whether a bird, hedgehog, fox or something else, you can take them to your local vets, call the RSPCA or a local rescue centre. 

Visit our birdcare and wildlife sections for nesting boxes, bird feeders, hedgehog houses, insect boxes and more. Don't forget to take a look at our Pinterest page and follow us for tips on looking after wildlife, what to do in your garden and gift suggestions.