Tips for making your home and garden more sustainable
Happy New Year! Is your New Years resolution to become more sustainable? Whether it’s because you want to save money, help the environment or both, we think you’ve made a great choice. Keep reading for our tips on how you can make your home and garden more sustainable. Start composting Compost bins and heaps are a great way to be more sustainable as they can recycle food waste, cardboard, newspapers and more and give you a base fertiliser. Use a water butt We might moan about the rain in the UK but it’s very handy for keeping the plants watered. You don’t need to wait until we have a drought to make use of a water butt, simply use it to collect rain water throughout the year and use it to keep your garden watered and looking beautiful throughout the year. Recycle your food waste You may not need or have space for a compost bin and many councils now offer food waste collection. We offer a range of food waste caddies for your kitchen and compostable and biodegradable liners to keep your caddy or wheelie bin smelling fresh and looking clean. Recycle as much of your household waste as possible Depending on what council area you live in there may be recycling opportunities for paper, plastics and metals. Take advantage of this and recycle as much of your household waste as possible. If you’re throwing away clothes, books, toys etc which can’t go to a local charity shop check your local area (supermarkets and landfill sites are a good place to look) to see if there’s a recycling point for these. Recycled glasses Instead of buying new glasses or vases, buy recycled glassware. The process of making recycled glassware uses 25% less energy than making glassware from scratch, so it’s much more eco friendly. Ditch plastic bags There is conflicting information on how long it takes a plastic bag to fully decompose, estimates range from hundreds of years to thousands of years and some say that they will never full decompose. Continuing to use plastic bags when there are alternatives available makes no sense. Instead of picking up more plastic bags when you next go shopping consider using a string bag. There are some concerns that ‘bags for life’ may harbour germs, however our string bags are washable. Buy recycled products where possible There are some products, mainly paper based, which you can buy which have been made from recycled products, such as; paper, kitchen and toilet roll, tissues and greetings cards. Grow your own fruit and vegetables Growing your own fruit and vegetables can be very rewarding and it’s really not as complicated as it sounds. Not only will it help save you money but by growing your own food you will be reducing your environmental impact by not buying produce which has been transported from somewhere else in the country or an entirely different country. Visit our website for a range of products to help you and your family become more sustainable and stick to that resolution.